Abraxas Catering

Catering Pod Installation - Wilmington Boys Grammar School

Site Location & Department:

Dartford, Kent

Date of Project:

16th & 17th April 2019

Project Leader:

Mike Nixon

Project Summary:

Installation of Catering Pod at Boys Grammar School

Services Used

The Project Installation

What did we do?

We made sure there was a suitable base prepared, and there was water and electricity supply within adequate distance to the catering pod.

What did we install?

We installed the catering pod shell, electrics and catering equipment over a 2 day period, checking all was in full working order.

How long did the process take?

10 weeks from initial request to completed installation.

What issues did we face?

The project was straight forward, the only request was that installation was to take place during a school holiday period, reducing any health and safety issues if installed during school term.

How many staff on the job?

1 Project Manager, 2 Abraxas Engineers.

The Benefits to the Company

How has Abraxas made an impact to the company?

The catering pod relieves overcrowding within the existing dining area, also promotes the healthy outdoors’ for students, and provides additional school revenue during and outside of school hours.