Abraxas Catering

Successful Kitchen Design and Installation by Abraxas

Abraxas Catering recently had the pleasure of designing and installing a kitchen and range of catering equipment for The Pilgrim Hotel. See what the project involved for our happy customers.

Abraxas Catering recently designed and installed a new kitchen for The Pilgrim Hotel. The range of catering equipment was carefully selected for the job, with help from leading manufacturer Retigo to supply a new combination oven as part of the project.

See what they had to say about working with us:

“Buy it, use it, and you will see what you get!”

We’re delighted to share with you another video case study from a recent Retigo UK installation project.

We worked closely with Abraxas Catering Equipment Ltd to provide the Pilgram Hotel with a Retigo Orange Vision+ combi oven for its kitchen. Both distributor and end user are thrilled with the oven!

“It was the right choice for my kitchen”

In the video, we hear from Deepak Kumar, Head Chef at the Pilgram Hotel, who says “we can see our customers are happy and happy with their meals”.

One of his favourite features of the oven is the ability to put his own recipes into the system so other chefs can follow exactly the same program even when he is not there.

“We were instantly impressed by the design, operation and functionality of Retigo ovens”

Abraxas Catering Equipment were responsible for the design and installation of the hotel kitchen. Retigo are their preferred supplier of combi ovens and Project Manager, Tom Wraight, said “our engineers really enjoyed working with Retigo. It’s quite refreshing to see a piece of equipment that has been designed and built with the engineer in mind.”

See how Abraxas can help your business with a range of services from our experienced team, and browse through our extensive portfolio of other projects around the UK.